Dispositional theory of social regulation of individual behavior

The theory of dispositions personality relies on the scientific achievements of psychology and sociology.

In this respect, indeed, human needs can be structured according to the levels of appropriation by the individual of social forms of activity:

· inclusion in the family;

· inclusion in contact groups and teams;

· the introduction of a holistic social system.

The environment also form a kind of hierarchical structure. For the classification of this structure of V. A. Yadov takes the length of time during which remains the main quality of these conditions.

1. The least stable constantly changing "the subject of the situation"

2. Conditions group communication

3. Conditions in different areas of activity: work, leisure, family life

4. The General social conditions of human life: economic, political, cultural, peculiarities of lifestyle.

If we now turn to the dispositions of the individual, which are the product of a clash of needs and situations meet and are secured as a result of experience, then we can say that the dispositions also have some hierarchy.

Low level form elementary fixed installation, which are formed based on the needs of physical existence and in the simplest situations.

Social fixed installation with a complex structure that includes emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects in fact; they form the subject of the needs of social existence and the corresponding social situation.

Dispositional level, the General orientation of interests of the individual and certain fields of social activity; it is a predisposition to identify with a specific area of social activity.