Socio-normative regulation of behavior.

Social norms – regulations, requirements, wishes and expectations of the relevant (socially approved) behavior. Standards the essence of some ideal samples (templates) that define what people should speak, think, feel and do in specific situations. They differ in scale.

The first type is the norms, which arise and exist only in small groups (youth hangouts, friends, family, work teams, sports teams). They are called "group habits".

For example, the American sociologist E. Mayo, from 1927 to 1932 conducted the famous Hawthorne experiments discovered rules that apply to newcomers adopted in a production crew elders:

don't stay with "their" officially

don't tell the authorities that can harm members of the group

do not communicate with superiors more often than with"",

not izgotovleny products more than your companions.

The second type is rules that arise and exist in large groups or in society as a whole. They are called "General rules". ... It's customs, traditions, morals, laws, etiquette, manners. Any social group has its own manners, customs and etiquette. There are secular etiquette, there are manners of youth. There are national traditions and customs.

It is with the normativity of social behavior associated role functions in society and the group, due to his status in this group. The norm introduced in the behavior of the individual, and the mentality of the group and society dictates expected behavior, it the stereotype, the representation of the individual about his due behavior.

Regulations - streamlining of human behavior with the help of General rules, i.e. famous models, samples, standards of behaviour that apply to all cases of this kind, and which must be subject to all the person who is in a regulatory regulated the situation.