Precipitation. Affecting factors and rules of conduct

Rain (rain). Rain that lasts several days and in which in one minute gets over 1 mm of rain is called a downpour. Torrential rains paralyze traffic, demolition of agricultural soil, forming ravines, gullies, and destroying waterworks, roads, bridges. Often, heavy rains cause floods. In the mountains heavy rains increase the possibility of avalanches, landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, landslides. Mountain river quickly filled with water, become impassable and dangerous. A shower may cause intense cooling and hypothermia of the human body.

Snowfall — a kind of solid precipitation. In the clouds at high altitude with an excess of moisture and a sharp temperature drop from the steam formed snowflakes that fall to the ground.

Heavy snowfall can cause emergencies, including drifts on the roads, blocking vehicles, and collapsing under the weight of snow, buildings, wires and pylons, avalanches, injuries, and fatalities. Snowfall is always associated with a decrease in temperature.

Hail — precipitation in the form of the ice particles. Hailstones are usually the size from a small pea to a pigeon egg, sometimes reaching 30 cm in diameter and weight up to 1 - 2 kg. Hail falls during the warmer time of the year, his education is related to the turbulent atmospheric processes in cumulonimbus clouds. Ascending air currents move water droplets in a supercooled cloud, the water freezes and corsets temperatures. When a certain mass of the hailstones fall to the ground.

The greatest danger of hail is given to plants it can destroy the entire crop. Famous deaths from hail. The main preventive measures are to protect in a safe shelter.

Thunderstorm — atmospheric phenomenon associated with the development of massive Cumulus clouds, the occurrence of electrical discharges (lightning), accompanied by a sound effect (thunder), squally wind, rain, hail, dropping the temperature. The strength of the storm depends on air temperature — the temperature is higher, the stronger the storm. The duration of a storm can range from several minutes to several hours. The storm refers to the rapid, violent and extremely dangerous atmospheric phenomena.


the approaching storm:

the rapid development in the second half of the day, powerful, dark Cumulus rain clouds in the mountain ranges with the tops of the anvils;
the sharp decrease of the atmospheric pressure and air temperature;
exhausting heat, there was no wind;
calm in nature, the appearance in the sky of the shroud;
good and distinct audibility of distant sounds;
the approaching thunder and lightning flashes.

Rules of conduct

In the house:

close Windows, doors;
disconnect appliances from power sources;
disconnect the outdoor antenna;
stop telephone calls;
are not near a window near a massive metal objects on the roof and in the attic.

In the woods:

not to be under the canopy of tall or isolated trees;
not lean on the trunks of trees;
not to sit around the campfire (a column of hot air is a good conductor of electricity);
to climb on the tall trees.

In the open:

get out of the shelter, don't get a tight group;
don't be the highest point in the area;
do not settle on the hills, from metal fences, pylons and under the wires;
do not walk barefoot;
don't hide in the haystack or straw;
do not lift over head conductors.

On the water:

during a thunderstorm do not swim;
don't get in the vicinity of the reservoir;
do not swim to the boat;
don't fish.

To reduce the likelihood of being struck by lightning the human body must have the least possible contact with the ground. The safest position is considered to be the following: sit down, feet put together, keep my head down on my knees and wrap my hands around them.

Fireball. The conventional scientific interpretation of the nature of ball lightning yet, the repeated observations have revealed its relation with linear lightning. Ball lightning can appear suddenly in any place, it can be spherical, egg-shaped and pear-shaped. Dimensions of ball lightning often reach the size of a soccer ball, lightning moves slow and stops and sometimes it explodes, quietly fades, falls apart or disappears. "Live" ball lightning approximately one minute, during its motion is heard a slight whooshing or hissing; sometimes it moves silently. The color of ball lightning is different: red, white, blue, black, pearl. Sometimes the ball rotates and sparks; thanks to its plasticity it can penetrate into the room, the interior of the vehicle, the trajectory of its movements and behaviors unpredictable.

With the appearance of ball lightning:

it is impossible sharply to move, try to catch a fireball or pop it;
even at contact of ball lightning with the human body should remain calm and remember that it can disappear as suddenly as they appeared;
sometimes the ball lightning explodes, which can lead to injury.

Major injury when struck by lightning:

electric shock;
paralysis, burn;
loss of vision and hearing.

Related injuries:

bruises, fractures, depression, stress;
a person may be paralyzed brain and heart, there are severe burns;
after a direct hit the person instantly loses consciousness and falls;
lightning ignites clothing.

Lightning protection — complex of measures aimed at preventing lightning strikes. The main technical means of protection against lightning is the lightning rod. It needs to be above the protected object, having a grounding element and a metal conductor that connects the top pin of lightning rod to ground. It is prohibited to come during a thunderstorm the lightning is closer than 15 m.