Categorical apparatus of economic sociology

Categorical apparatus of economic sociology covers General, social and specific categories.

Scientific categories (structure, process, development, etc.) borrowed from a common methodology. They are used in economic sociology as a means of describing the economic and social spheres, the social mechanism of development of economy and private social mechanisms for isolating specific subsystems of society.

General social categories used in other humanitarian Sciences, economic sociology borrowed from the vocabulary of the latter. So, it uses categories of political economy (property, productive forces, means of production, the production, distribution, exchange, consumption), philosophy (public consciousness, public attitudes), social psychology(group, personality, behavior, motivation, adaptation, conformity, conflict, interaction),sociology (social group, social structure, social mobility and social stratification, social status and social stratification, social status, social role and social prestige), sociology of work (content, character, working conditions, organization of work attitude to work, etc.)

A large number of loan categories is due to the fact that economic sociology began to emerge in the conditions when the system of the Humanities have long existed. Naturally, many of the categories of the Sciences "migrated" in the economic sociology. Although the names of these categories are generally accepted, their contents and interpretation are not static.

Specific categories of economic sociology – are those that originated from within and reflecting it to her angle and approach to public life. The main categories of this group – the social mechanism of economic development, private social mechanisms of regulation of socio-economic processes, economic consciousness, economic thinking, economic culture, economic interest, socio-economic stereotype of economic behavior.