Convert amps to kw

Electric current, A =
Voltage, V =
Power, kW =

Convert kw to amps

Power, kW =
Voltage, V =
Electric current, A =

With this online calculator you can convert Amps to kW and vice versa.

Theory and formulas for conversion - see bottom on this page.

Quick response for 12V:

1 Ampere = 0.012 kW
1 kW = 83.333 Amps

Quick response for 120V:

1 Ampere = 0.12 kW
1 kW = 8.333 Amps

Quick response for 230V:

1 Ampere = 0.230 kW
1 Watt = 4.348 Ampere

With this online calculator, you can convert amperes to kilowatts. This is a simple program for converting kw to amps.

Use this calculators to learn how to convert between kilowatts and amperes. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units. This calculation for DC conversion. For AC circuits with inductive or capacitive reactance use other calculator.

How convert kW to Amps and vice versa?

Use the following formulas to calculate:

1) Power = Electric potential * Electric current
2) Electric current = Power / Electric potential
3) Electric potential = Power / Electric current


kW - Kilowatt (power)
A - Amperes (electric current)
V - Volt (electric potential or voltage)

The kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power. In the International System of Units (SI) it is defined as a derived unit of 1/1000 joule per second, and is used to quantify the rate of energy transfer.

The ampere (A or amp) is the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI).

The volt (V) is the derived unit for electric potential, electric potential difference (voltage), and electromotive force.

Table of conversion Ampere to KiloWatt for 110 V

Below is a table for converting A to kW and kW to A.

0.1 A = 0.011 kW 0.2 A = 0.022 kW
0.3 A = 0.033 kW 0.4 A = 0.044 kW
0.5 A = 0.055 kW 0.6 A = 0.066 kW
0.7 A = 0.077 kW 0.8 A = 0.088 kW
0.9 A = 0.099 kW 1.0 A = 0.11 kW
1.1 A = 0.121 kW 1.2 A = 0.132 kW
1.3 A = 0.143 kW 1.4 A = 0.154 kW
1.5 A = 0.165 kW 1.6 A = 0.176 kW
1.7 A = 0.187 kW 1.8 A = 0.198 kW
1.9 A = 0.209 kW 2.0 A = 0.22 kW
3 A = 0.33 kW 4 A = 0.44 kW
5 A = 0.55 kW 6 A = 0.66 kW
7 A = 0.77 kW 8 A = 0.88 kW
9 A = 0.99 kW 10 A = 1.1 kW
20 A = 2.2 kW 30 A = 3.3 kW
40 A = 4.4 kW 50 A = 5.5 kW
60 A = 6.6 kW 70 A = 7.7 kW
80 A = 8.8 kW 90 A = 9.9 kW
100 A = 11 kW 150 A = 16.5 kW
200 A = 22 kW 250 A = 27.5 kW
500 A = 55 kW 1000 A = 110 kW