The emergence of economic sociology in the world of science. The stages of development of ES

When there was actually sociology? In 1839, Auguste Comte published the 3rd volume of his work "Course of positive sociology," which he first used the term "sociology" and set the goal of studying society on a scientific basis, i.e. identified object and methods of research. The possibility of a scientific study of society, Comte argued that society, like any other phenomenon of the objective reality beyond observation, recording the regularities and constant connections, and therefore can be subject to scientific analysis, and not only philosophical understanding. Thus, Comte equated society to other systems of interrelated facts, studied the positive Sciences, qualifies this by adding that the society is the highest, most difficult arranged and functioning of such systems. A practical argument in favor of the need for special science that studies the society for Comte was the social realities of contemporary Europe, which have already been mentioned earlier. And Contacts not just stating these realities, but also revealed their possible cause - the division and cooperation of labor in the process of development of society.

By themselves, these phenomena had for the development of society key positive, open social systems, the path of intensive development, improve the welfare, growth and social diversity. But at the same time, the division of labor led to adverse consequences - the destruction of social foundations. The concentration of wealth, the origin of exploitation of man by man, one-sided specialization, often disfiguring the person and the most widespread in the conditions of capitalist society - all these phenomena led to the emergence and tremendous growth of inequality and, as a consequence, the growth of a deeper cleavage. Social feelings, which were previously United all members of society together, can now occur only between members of certain groups, for example, members of a particular profession or field of activity. The result is a kind of Corporation and corporate egoistic morality, which admits the solution to corporate goals at the expense of the interests of other groups of society. Thus, there is inter-company hostility, which destroys social cohesion.

As a tool to restore social solidarity and Comte proposed sociology - science that studies social phenomena. In accordance with their ideas about the development of Comte divides sociology into social statics and social dynamics. Social statics seeks to study the conditions and regularities of the existence of social systems. Under this section of sociology, Comte was supposed to learn the basic of public education, or institutions (in the sociological sense of the word; read more about social institutions, see in subsection Social institutions) from the point of view of their social functions. In the section of social dynamics Comte developed the theory of directed social change, among which a special role was given spiritual, mental development of man, which is to determine social progress.

The main stages of development of economic sociology – (I) theoretical and (II) empirical.

(I) the Theoretical stage of development of economic sociology associated with the work of Karl Marx, max Weber, Thorstein Veblen and others.

- Contribution of Karl Marx(1818-1883) mainly associated with the disclosure of the role of class struggle as a driving force of development of society (see the corresponding lecture on Marxist sociology).

- The contribution of M. Weber(1864-1920)is associated with the disclosure of influence on economic behavior of human factors such as religion, ethics, politics, law, etc. (see the corresponding lecture in sociology Weber).

- A special place in the development of economic sociology is an American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen[48] (1857-1929). One of his most famous works – the book "the Theory of business enterprise" (1904). In this work, the whole history of human civilization seen as the history of changing social institutions that determine (determining) the patterns of behavior and thinking.

The subject of the economy – the motives of economic behavior(in particular, the motives of consumer behavior of different social groups). According to Veblen's insightful conclusion, the model of "economic man", owned by the classics of political economy Adam Smith, is clearly outdated. Economic behaviour is defined (determined) not only self-serving estimates of greater benefit, forcing, for example, the shoemaker to leave his low-income job and bake pies, or, respectively, of the pastry – stitch boots. Economic behavior (like any other) depends on the already learned (in childhood) norms, established traditions from the "spirit of competition" (the indicator of which is open Goblinom same "prestigious consumption"), even from unconscious (subconscious) factors, described by Sigmund Freud. In his works Veblen described and contrasted two classes – the class of businessmen ("the idle class") and "class of managers" - hard workers and real heroes of social progress.

(II) Empirical acaprazine of economic sociology associated with the work of the Americans Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayo.

Frederick Taylor ( 1856-1915) was the founder of the classical school of scientific management. He and his followers were designed by the famous "Taylor's system" - a system of organization of labor and production based on the achievements of science and technology. This system consisted of a set of methods of organization and work measurement, production management, processes, selection, placement and labor aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of work, its intensification. Taylor provided a detailed study of labor processes, the establishment of clear rules for implementation, selection and special training of workers, suitable to perform various works at a very high rate of labor.

The whole system of Taylor was built on the following principles:

- replacement of the coarse practices of scientific principles;

- careful selection of workers on the basis of scientifically established signs, training and professional training of each of them;

- cooperation of the administration and workers in solving production problems;

- equal distribution of labor;

- division of responsibility for the Affairs of production between management and labor.

According to Taylor, the stimulation of individual work much more efficiently affects the performance. When the workers are United in cooperatives, each of them working less productive. Scientific methods of work should be developed based on careful observation of the actions of the individual employee. At the same time labor operation is divided into simple elements is measured using timing. As a result, eliminated all useless motions.

Taylor was considered working as an automatic performer labor actions. The main driving pulses he felt anticipation and receipt of remuneration, interest in material gain.

The introduction of the "Taylor system", first in USA and later around the world has led to dramatic increases in productivity and intensity of labor. Workers who did not maintain high rates of labor, or transferred to another job, or dismissed.

But in the late 1920s – early 1930s, the theory of Taylor stopped to meet production needs. Partly this was due to the change in the content of labour, with an increase of creative, enterprising, intelligent component. Þ the formation of the new directions related to the activities of E. Mayo.

Elton Mayo( 1880 - 1949) critical of modern industrial society. It had a place in the processes of destruction and disintegration of people was driven from his point of view, "dysfunctional processes of division of labor" and bureaucratic form of management.

From 1927 to 1932гг. E. Mayo conducted extensive research on major plant electric cables in the city of Hawthorne (near Chicago), owned by the company “Western Electric”. These studies covered about 20 thousand people. They were later recognized as a classic and was called "the Hawthorne experiments". The Mayo study began with measuring the impact of favorable working conditions (lighting, mode of work, breaks, payment system, etc.) on the performance level of the worker. This immediately showed that the growth of productivity (regardless of conditions) have a significant impact are poorly measurable, but significant factors such as "group spirit," interpersonal communication, subjective attitude of workers to their profession, etc.

The researchers realized storehouses impact on productivity and labour relations have a primarily social and psychological rather than material factors.