Convert lbs to ft3

Mass (weight), pounds (lbs) =
Density, lb/ft3 =
(Water 4C = 62.42)
Volume, ft3 =

Convert ft3 to lbs

Volume, ft3 =
Density, lb/ft3 =
(Water 4C = 62.42)
Mass (weight), pounds (lbs) =

With this very simple online converter you can convert pounds to cubic feet and vice versa.

All density data, relationships for any materials, theory and formulas for conversion - see bottom on this page.

With this online calculator you can convert pounds to ft3 (lbs to ft3). This is a simple program for converting lb into cubic feet (pound to cubic feet).

How convert pounds to ft3 (cubic feet) and vice versa?

Use the following formulas to calculate:

1) Volume = Weight / Density
2) Weight = Volume * Density
3) Density = Weight / Volume

Weight is a characteristic of the body, which is a measure of the gravitational interaction with other bodies.

Volume is a quantitative characteristic of the space occupied by a body or substance.

Density is a measure of mass per unit of volume.

Weight and volume depend on temperature, pressure and composition due to density changes.

Reference data:

Density of water = 62.42 lb/ft3
Density of steel = 486.9 lb/ft3
Density of concrete = 87.39 ... 156.05 lb/ft3
Density of sand = 87.39 ... 106.12 lb/ft3
Density of paint = 56.17 ... 98.88 lb/ft3
Density of milk = 64.19 ... 64.56 lb/ft3
Density of oil = 46.87 ... 62.19 lb/ft3
Density of air = 0.0765 lb/ft3

The density of all materials (gas, metal and other) in this table.