Convert kilometers to degrees
With this online calculator, you can convert degree to kilometers (degree to km) and vice versa.
L = π * R * a / 180
L - arc length [km];
R - radius of a circle [km];
a - angle [degrees].
A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a centre.
Reference data:
The length of the meridian is 0-360 = 40008.55 km;
The length of the equator (parallel 0 °) = 40075 km;
The length of the parallel is 10 ° = 39456 km;
The length of the parallel is 20 ° = 37656 km;
The length of the parallel is 30 ° = 34740 km;
The length of the parallel is 40 ° = 30708 km;
The length of the parallel is 50 ° = 25596 km;
The length of the parallel is 60 ° = 20088 km;
The length of the parallel is 70 ° = 13752 km;
The length of the parallel is 80 ° = 7128 km;
The length of the parallel is 90 ° (pole) = 0 km;
Equatorial Earth radius = 6378.1 km;
The average radius of the Earth = 6371 km.